Thank you for rescuing a dog or cat off the street and giving them a second chance to be reunited with their owner.
If you have found a dog or cat, please follow these steps
so we can find the owner:
* Call and leave short message, mentioning you want to report a found Pet and leave your contact information at (406)225-4334.
* Take a couple good photos of pet and email to ascjeffco@gmail.com with your contact name/phone number and where found.
* Submit a found dog/cat report below.
If you’ve Found a pet, by filling out report below it will notify our Lost and Found team, and we will work hard to help reunite pet with pet owner. Our team post all lost and found pets on their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Jefferson-County-MT-Lost-Found-Pets-102678334849247 and shares it in social media circles. In addition to Found report, Please don’t forget to also email pet photo and Pet information to ascjeffco@gmail.com. If you are unable to care for the pet while a owner is being located, the AS&CC can care for them in our Foster Care Program till owner is found. We also have a Pet Microchip reader that might help find owner if Pet is chipped.

All found animals are put in Foster Care while searching for their owners.
All owners may be asked to provide proof of ownership, such as a photo and/or vaccine records when claiming pet. If you are missing a dog please fill out lost report.