About us
The Animal shelter and Care of Jefferson County (AS&C) (EIN: 41-2270187) is a community-based, non-profit organization located in Boulder primarily serving Jefferson County.
The AS&C’s major goal is to be the first place people turn to when they need help with their pets. To meet that goal, we offer a variety of services to benefit all of the animals in the Jefferson County community, not just those in the shelter.
Since Jefferson County does not have animal control services, the AS&C has been first responders saving animals. By working with County law enforcement, we help care for the animals through our foster home network keeping them safe until they are reunited with the owners, or a new loving home is found.
Our ultimate goal is to build and facilitate a 5,000 sq. ft shelter facility. In the meantime, the AS&C has started the kennel building project to help ease the increasing numbers of stray and abandoned animals in the County.

“The first place people turn to when they need help with their pets”